All Talk, No Action By Yakov Abrahams (’22)


Adapted from Shalom Rav, By Rabbi Rosner

VaYavo’u Kol Ish Asher Nesa’o Libo VeChol Asher Nadva Rucho Oto Heivi’u Et Terumat Hashem LeMelechet Ohel Mo’eid ULechol Avodato ULevigdei HaKodesh,” “Every man whose heart uplifted him came, and everyone whose spirit inspired him to generosity brought the offering of Hashem for the work of the Tent of Meeting, for all its service, and for the holy garments” (Shemot 35:21).

 Why does the Torah use a wordy description to tell us Bnei Yisrael donated to the Mishkan? The Torah could have easily written it in a more concise manner. For example: “they did everything Hashem commanded them with a full heart”. 

In VeKarata LeShabbat Oneg, Rav Yisrael Bronstein cites the Chida, who teaches us that it is very natural for someone who’s been inspired to become excited with an intense desire to act on that inspiration. It’s human nature to desire to translate uplifting thoughts and feelings into actions. Quite often, when we hear of a pressing need, an opportunity to take action, or something spiritually exciting, we tell ourselves that we will do it. But in reality, how often do we actually carry out our ambitious plans and see them to fruition? We usually procrastinate and lose the initial excitement. We start to second-guess ourselves and to think of many excuses why we shouldn’t carry out our original plan. The inspiration wears off, and our initial feelings of inspiration become but a bygone of the past. 

Our Pasuk, however, teaches us that every man who was originally inspired to donate to the Mishkan carried through with his inspiration and took action. Every single person who felt that inner desire to donate, didn’t give themselves the chance to sit back and allow the inspiration to wear off, but rather acted immediately; the opportunity of a lifetime was too great to pass up on. 

This, explains Rav Pam ZT”L (the great Rosh Yeshivah of Torah Vodaath) is why the content in Parashiyot Teruma and Tetzaveh is repeated in Parashiyot VaYakheil and Pekudei. The Torah wants to emphasize that after all the times it says “Ve’Asita” "and you shall make" in Parashat Terumah and Parashat Tetzaveh, Bnei Yisrael carried through with their task; Parshiyot VaYakheil and Pekudei are full of the phrase “Ve'Asu” “and they made." Bnei Yisrael, filled with inspiration to carry out the very important task of donating to the Mishkan, translate their thoughts into actions without delay. 

As Hillel HaZakein famously taught us: “Im Ein Ani Li Mi Li, UKeShe’Ani Le’Atzmi Ma Ani, Ve’Im Lo Achshav Eimata’i,” “If I am not for myself, who is for me? But if I am only for myself , what am I? And if not now, when?” (Pirkei Avot 1:14). Let us internalize this message and do all we can to take those moments of inspiration and turn them into prompt action. May we be like our ancestors who acted on their inspiration to serve Hashem and, in that spirit, may we merit to partake in the Ge’ulah Sheleimah BeMheirah Be’Yameinu.

Carrying the Carriers By Chanan Schreiber (‘22)

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