Kol Torah

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Fringe Benefits by Ezra Lebowitz ('22)

In our Parashah this week, we are just terrible. The Cheit HaMeraglim starts us off, but that’s not entirely our fault. Bnei Yisrael are at fault for complaining that they’d rather be back in Mitzrayim. Then when Moshe somehow gets us a second chance, we don’t listen to Hashem again, with the sin of the Ma’apilim. Later in the Parashah, we have the sin of the Mekoshesh Eitzim. That’s not Bnei Yisrael, is it? Well, Netziv writes in Ha’Emek Davar (BeMidbar 15:32) that the Mekoshesh Eitzim was caught because Moshe created a sort of neighborhood watch for Chilulei Shabbat. Why? Because it was running rampant through Bnei Yisrael. After all this, we end off the Parashah with Hashem giving us the Mitzvah of Tzitzit. Why is Tzitzit a Mitzva given to us after all of our terrible Aveirot?

Hashem simply tells Moshe why this is coming after our sins: “VeHayah Lachem LeTzitzit URe’item Oto UZchartem Et Kol Mitzvot Hashem Va’Asitem Otam VeLo Taturu Acharei Levavchem Ve’Acharei Eineichem Asher Atem Zonim Achareihem,” “And it will be Tztitzit, and you will see it and remember all of the Mitzvot of Hashem and you will do them, and you won’t stray after your hearts and your eyes which give you lust” (BeMidbar 15:39). Ohr HaChaim (BeMidbar 15:37 s.v. VaYomer Hashem El Moshe) adds that  Moshe Rabbeinu initiated this Mitzva! He says that this conversation between Hashem and Moshe was initiated by Moshe. Moshe told Hashem that Bnei Yisrael were fine during the week, they had their Tefillin to remind them of the Mitzvot, but on Shabbat they had nothing. Hashem responds to Moshe with the Mitzvah of Tzitzit, and that is why the Lashon of “VaYomer” is used, not “VaYedabeir”. How do the Tzitzit help us to remember to keep Hashem’s Mitzvot? Rashi (BeMidbar 15:39 s.v. UZechartem Et Kol Mitzvot Hashem) presents the famous explanation that the Gematria of “Tzitzit” is six hundred, plus five knots and eight strings gives you six hundred thirteen, the number of Mitzvot. Sforno (ibid.) says that the Tzitzit are like the stamp a king puts on his servants, to show that they are the royal workers. It’s like a cattle brand. Torah Temimah (ibid.) explains it as follows: you look at one Mitzvah, Tzitzit, and are reminded of a related Mitzvah, Kri’at Shema. That will remind you of your Ol Malchut Shamayim. However you slice it, the Tzitzit are supposed to be security, making sure we don’t do Aveirot. If this was in response to the Jews in the Midbar, why do we need Tzitzit? We’re not as bad as they! The only thing we’ve done is be like the Ma’apilim in the right time and make Aliyah!

The truth is, we are potentially that bad. Ohr HaChaim (BeMidbar 15:38 s.v. Ledorotam) writes that we learn from the word “LeDorotam” (BeMidbar 15:38) even a “Dor Kadosh VeTahor” needs the Tzitzit, and that’s definitely not us! In a time where it’s getting harder and harder to keep Hashem’s Mitzvot and make a Kiddush Hashem now that public gatherings are returning, we males should all be wearing our Tzitzit proudly, to remind us and everyone else that we are here doing God’s work. May Zecharia’s Nevu’ah that Nochrim will grab onto everybody’s Tzitzit to try to join them in travelling to Yerushalayim BiYemot HaMashi’ach come true soon with our hard work!