Kol Torah

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Full Credit by Seth Nayowitz


In this week’s Parsha, we see a detailed account of the costs of the Mishkan.  Why is the account of the costs necessary?  The Midrash tells us that this was to silence certain people who suspected Moshe of taking funds for his own personal use.  When the Parsha tells us how Moshe erected the Mishkan, it gives him full credit in doing so, however, the Midrash Tanchuma comments that Moshe received help from Hashem since he did not know how to erect it.  Why was Moshe told to do something he did not know the first thing about?  The Midrash answers the second question by saying that since Moshe was disappointed about not personally crafting the Mishkan, Hashem told him to erect it and receive credit for its standing.  Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz poses a question on this Midrash.  Why did Moshe receive full credit for something he did not fully do?  He answers that since Moshe did not shy away from a difficult task, since he struggled to do the impossible, Hashem helped him and gave him full credit.  Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz teaches us that Hashem can enable us to do anything, so we must not shrink any responsibility, no matter how awesome it is.  If we make an earnest attempt, we will succeed – and be credited in full for our effort.