Kol Torah

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Greatness of Avraham By Rabbi Michael Hoenig


In this week’s Parsha, we are introduced to our patriarch Avraham Avinu. Chasam Sofer explains the absolute greatness of Avraham Avinu. What made him so unique? There were spiritual giants who preceded Avraham like Chanoch who was so great that he went to heaven without dying and became the Sar HaOlam, a senior angel. Avraham, however, never reached this exalted level but was given the title ‘Ohavi’, meaning the one who loves Me. Why did Avraham deserve such an incredible accolade? If Avraham wanted, he could have achieved the same level as Chanoch. Had he gone into isolation, and spent his time in meditation and contemplation, he would have also risen to Shamayim.  However, Avraham went on a different path and decided to go out to the public on a sacred mission to increase the Malchut Shamayim. He eagerly went out to spread the word of Hashem. He was the “ohavi” and constantly demonstrated an incredible love and devotion to Hashem. Avraham’s primary focus and goal was to spread Hashem to everyone in sight and not just keep his Avodat Hashem to himself. 

We are extremely blessed to be the spiritual heirs of the great mission of Avraham Avinu. We live in a very cloudy and turbulent world with many different philosophies and values that we encounter daily. We should always feel proud and excited to spread the light and guidance of the Torah, and with the perspective and courage of Avraham, we can also earn the exalted level of “Ohavi.”