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Kabobs L’Sheim Shamayim: Defining the Milah “Zealous” By Eitan Laub (‘22)

At the end of last week's parsha we learn the story of Pinchas, Kozbi and Zimri. After seeing the horrible sin Kozbi and Zimri were committing, Pinchas decides to kill them as the pasuk says “VaYar Pinchas ben-Elazar ben Aharon HaCohein VaYakam Mitoch HaEidah Vayikach Romach B’Yado” “When Phinehas, son of Eleazar son of Aaron the priest, saw this, he left the assembly and, taking a spear in his hand,”(Bamidbar 25:7). While many of us may see this as the logical response to sexual immorality, in the time of Pinchas this was quite a risk. But this risk was worth taking because Pinchas wanted to ensure that Zimri’s sin would not make Hashem angry with Bnei Yisrael. In the beginning of this week's Parsha Hashem rewards Pinchas. He tells Moshe “Pinchas ben Elazar Ben Aharon HaCohen Heshiv et Chamati Mei-al Bnei Yisael” “Phinehas, son of Eleazar son of Aaron the priest, has turned back My wrath from the Israelites…” “Lachein Emor, Hineni notein lo et briti shalom” ”Say, therefore, ‘I grant him My covenant of peace” (Bamidbar 25:11-12). When giving Pinchas his praises Hashem refers to him as “zealous.” When someone is zealous they will put aside their own problems to fulfill Hashem’s will. Pinchas is not concerned for anything other than what Hashem wants. 

But Pinchas is not the only one who is “zealous.” Eliyahu HaNavi said “Kano KiNaiti La’Hashem” “I have been very zealous for the sake of Hashem” (Melachim I 19:10). In Fact Chazal, as quoted by Reish Lakish in Midrash Aggadah says “Hu Pinchas Hu Eliyahu” “Pinchas and Eliyahu are one and the same” (Midrash Aggadah Bamidbar 25:13). Eliyahu was zealous for Hashem and was so disturbed by what Bnei Yisrael was doing. While Eliyahu’s criticism was L’sheim Shamayim, Hashem was still not thrilled to hear Eliyahu criticize his people. We should always be looking for the good in people. It is for this reason that Eliyahu became the one designated to come to every single Bris Milah. Eliyahu will come and see how faithful the Jewish people are to Hashem and their commitment to mitzvos. While it is good to be zealous for Hashem we should still try to find the good in people. Eliyahu’s job became finding the good in others and bringing people closer together. When Eliyahu comes to announce the Geula he will come “LaSum Shalom BaOlam” “to establish peace in the world” (Rambam Mishneh Torah Melachim uMilchamot 12:2), similar to Hashem’s covenant of peace with Pinchas. Perhaps this is why we bring up Pinchas and his covenant at a bris where Eliyahu joins us to establish his covenant. We must remember to find the best in people and keep peace no matter how much we might desire killing people L’Sheim Shamayim.