Kol Torah

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Magnificent Meritorious Avot by Yitzi Taber


In Parashat BeChukotai, the Torah writes, “VeZacharti Et Beriti Ya’akov, VeAf Et Beriti Yitzchak, VeAf Et Beriti Avraham Ezkor, VeHaAretz Ezkor,” “And I [Hashem] will remember My covenant with Ya’akov, and also my covenant with Yitzchak, and also my covenant with Abraham I will remember, and I will remember the Land” (VaYikra 26:42). An odd aspect of this Pasuk is the order in which the Avot are presented. The Pasuk begins with Ya’akov, continues with Yitzchak, and concludes with Avraham. Why does the Torah reverse the order of the Avot?

This Pasuk is located immediately after the Tochachah, the divine reproach in this Parashah, which deals with Bnei Yisrael going into Galut, exile. Following this, the Torah informs us that Hashem will remember his covenants with each of the Avot. The reason Ya’akov’s name is mentioned first in the list of Avot is to show us that his merits alone should be enough to bring the Ge’ulah, redemption, to his children. However, if his merits are not enough, there are always Yitzchak’s merits to bring about the Ge’ulah. Finally, if Yitzchak’s merits are also not enough, Avraham’s merits are surely sufficient to redeem Bnei Yisrael.

We can learn from here a very important lesson. When Ya’akov Avinu could not accomplish something in life, he still had the other two Avot to rely on. In our lives, the same thing applies. Just like Ya’akov could rely on the other Avot when necessary, so, too, we can rely on others when we’re in need, for example, when we need help for a career or with life in general. It is very important for us to secure our relationships with others and to strengthen the bonds between us and our friends. We must try our best to better the Jewish community in terms of social interactions, and we should help others out in their lives as well.