Spread Torah with Hashem’s Help by Yakov Abrahams ('22)

“VaYehi BeNso’a Ha’Aron VaYomer Moshe Kumah HaShem VeYafutzu Oyevecha VeYanusu Mesan’echa MiPanecha,” "And it was when the Ark traveled, Moshe said, arise Almighty and disperse your enemies. and those who hate you will flee from you." (BeMidbar 10:35)

It was the opening of a prominent yeshiva in Yerushalayim, and Rabbi Yosef Chayim Sonnenfeld was the guest speaker. The Rav cited this Pasuk, and explained the reason behind why we recite it every time we open the Aron in Shul to remove the Torah. Whenever someone tries to start a worthwhile Torah initiative, there are always people who will try to stop him. Whether it be opening up a yeshiva, or starting a new community, many naysayers will try to discourage him, messengers of the Satan. Therefore, when we take out the Torah, we ask that HaShem should disperse the enemies of Torah and prevent them from causing trouble (Mara De’ara Yisrael, p.155).

A vital piece of advice for one who seeks to spread Torah is that you should account for the hurdles that may bombard you when you try to spread Torah in advance, which will prepare you for the battle that you are likely to face. In preparation for the challenges ahead, it is helpful to make plans and outline how you will overcome those difficulties. However, no matter how much you prepare for the fight ahead, the outcome of your efforts are ultimately up to Hashem, and therefore the key component for success in your Torah endeavors is to pray for HaShem’s help. Do your best and HaShem will do the rest. “HaShem Chafetz Lima’an Tzidko, Yagdil Torah VeYadir!”.

Leader? I Hardly Know Her! by Ezra Lebowitz ('22)

The Birth of Halakhic Jurisprudence and the Sanhedrin by Tzvi Meister ('21)