Kol Torah

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The Crucial Part by Ari Michael


“In accordance with all that Hashem commanded Moshe, the children of Israel did all the work; and Moshe saw all the labor, and behold, they had done it as Hashem commanded.  And Moshe blessed them.”  (39:42-43)

In this week’s Parsha, we see extraordinary attention to detail.  Each activity is described with precise details of how items in the Tabernacle, the Mishkan, were built, and exactly where they were placed.

Each person had a precise job to perform, to be done to his or her maximum potential.  Every part was crucial.  What would a Mishkan be without a Menorah?  It would remain lacking and incomplete.  There were many different things that had to be done, which is why the completion of this great structure required everyone’s dedicated participation. 

A principle emphasized in Judaism in Yachdut, unity, having all of Bnai Yisrael together.  We see this at Maamad Har Sinai.  Upon arriving, the Torah says “Vayichan Sham Yisrael Neged Hahar,” with the verb “Vayichan” in singular form.  Rashi interprets this to mean that they acted as one and were finally a unified nation, rather than 12 tribes.

Right now is an Eit Tzarah, hard time, for Klal Yisrael.  There are terrorist attacks on a daily basis in Israel.  It is important that we now band together because it is when we are together that we are strongest.