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Ya’akov’s Dream: What does it mean? by Rafi Cornick (‘22)


Throughout the Torah we have many, seemingly, out of the blue stories. One such story is the passage regarding Ya’akov Avinu’s dream. In his dream he sees angels ascending and descending a ladder that rises to Shamayim. Afterwards, Hashem blesses Ya’akov that his descendants will be like the dust of the earth. One is left to ponder: 1. What is the message behind the dream? 2. How does the Beracha connect to the meaning behind the dream?

Pirkei DeRabi Elazar

The Pirkei DeRabi Elazar explains that the dream represents some form of Nevu’ah. He adds that the angels are the "Sar Shel Umot Ha’Olam", angels who deal with other nations of the world. When the angels ascend it is symbolic of the non-Jewish nations rising and  successfully  harming Jews. However, in the end, just like the angels, they will fall. This approach also explains why Hashem brought darkness upon Ya’akov Avinu. The Nevu’ah reflects the dark future of Bnei Yisrael. Also, Ya’akov Avinu was about to enter a personal Galut as he left the house of Yitzchak Avinu and Rivkah Imeinu, and the Yeshiva of Sheim and Eiver, and now heads to the house of Lavan. 


The Ramban says that although the other nations rise and fall, we are just the opposite.  While it might not look promising at the beginning, but Hashem protects us so that we end up on top, which is why the Pasuk says  "VeHinei Hashem Nitzav Alav," "And behold Hashem was standing over him" (BeReishit 28:13).

Rabbeinu Bechayei says that this is the reason Hashem uses the imagery of your descendents being “Ka’Afar Ha’Aretz,” “Like the dust of the Earth” (ibid. 14),  and not Kochevei HaShamayim (stars in the sky) in the Beracha He grants Ya’akov . When one walks on sand, it sticks to his legs even if you try to remove it. Hashem is telling us that although other nations try to trample us, we will eventually emerge on top. The Sefat Emet says that the reason Ya’akov Avinu was able to see this Nevu’ah was that he Davened Ma’ariv even in the dark when he was in his own personal Galut. 

The Messillat Yesharim addss that before this incident, Ya’akov Avinu's life was blissful, as all day he was learning Torah. Now he was leaving to Galut, to earn a living and find a wife. Hashem teaches Ya’akov Avinu a lesson: You have no alrenative to being immersed in Olam HaZeh but maintain your “Rosho Magia HaShamayma,” “[its] head reached to the sky” (ibid. 12), always have your end goal be towards your Avodat Hashem."

Connection to Chanukah

Ya’akov Avinu teaches us even in moments of Galut and darkness Hashem remains with us. Throughout Galut, Hashem has shown us that even though we feel surrounded by other evil nations, He is Nitzav Aleinu. Chanukah communicates this message. Although the Greek empire was on the verge of extinguishing Judaism, Hashem revealed how He was watching and caring for us. Hashem’s attention gave Klal Yisrael the energy and ability to say “Mi LaHashem Aylay”. A more recent example was the formation and success of the State of Israel. After the utter darkness of the Holocaust, Hashem showed that He was still with us and that no one will ever exterminate us. However, just like with Ya’akov Avinu, there will be ups and downs. Even when we are at the bottom of the ladder we remember and draw strength from the moments when we were at the top. Hashem provides us with sufficient Chizuk to weather the dark times and we must always remember that Hashem Nitzav Aleinu.